An interprofessional team delivers the program and the curriculum
In addition to the Project ECHO Ontario Skin and Wound Care Team, the teams at Queen’s University and NSWOCC attend the session and lead discussions. Consultants deliver the weekly two-hour ECHO sessions and contribute to preparatory work. These sessions are minimally supported by a core team of 4-6 experts, consisting of at least two physicians, 1-2 wound care nurses and 1-2 allied health professionals. Consultants include personnel with expertise in family medicine, endocrinology, infectious disease, dermatology, orthopedics, rehabilitation and vascular surgery specialists, nursing, foot specialists (chiropody/podiatry/foot care nurses), physiotherapists, occupational therapists, registered dietitians, certified diabetes educators, pharmacists, psychologists, social workers and indigenous healing specialists.
Project LeadGary Sibbald
R. Gary Sibbald BSc, MD FRCPC (Med, Derm), MACP, FAAD, MEd, FAPWCA
Dr Sibbald is the lead of Project ECHO Ontario Skin and Wound. He is dermatologist and internist with a special interest in wound care and education. He is a professor of medicine and public health at the University of Toronto. As a wound care educator, clinician and clinical researcher he is an international wound care key opinion leader.
Dr Sibbald is the co-founder (1999) and course director of the International Interprofessional Wound Care Course (IIWCC). He is the director of the Masters of Science in Community Health (Prevention and Wound Care) at the Dalla Lama School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.
Dr Sibbald is the former president of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies 2008-12. He is a co-editor and chapter author of the Chronic Wound Care textbook. He has over 200 publications and is the current co-editor of the journal Advances in Skin and Wound Care.
Project ManagerReneeka Jaimangal
As Clinical Coordinator, Reneeka participates in retrieving information from the clinical teams. She supports the development of an evaluation framework and works with the project team and SPOKEs to evaluate clinical and operational outcomes. Reneeka also supports James Elliott, Project Manager, with reports and other documentation. She works with the entire team to publish peer-reviewed manuscripts, as well as conference abstracts, presentations and posters.
Family Physician with interest in Wound CareXiu Zhao
Clinical CoordinatorLaurie Goodman
Laurie completed her Masters of Health Science in Nursing degree with a focus on education and interprofessional teaching. Leading and educating interprofessional teams and patients at Credit Valley Hospital (for 21 years) and Humber River Hospital (for 3 years), Laurie provided expert clinical support. Working at the Toronto Regional Wound Healing Clinic in Mississauga with Dr. Gary Sibbald and his interprofessional wound team, Laurie had the opportunity to lead the community project with the Mississauga Halton community services (formerly known as CCAC). Laurie continues to play a role on the team for Project ECHO Ontario Skin & Wound.
For over a decade as a Co-Director and the Course Coordinator for International Interprofessional Wound Care Course (the IIWCC in Canada) at University of Toronto, Laurie has supported interprofessional learners to achieve optimal success in their educational journey. Laurie currently is supporting faculty for the IIWCC in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Recently the private consulting company, Laurie Goodman Consulting, offers unique and customized educational services related to wound care.
Laurie is a peer reviewer for several journals, including Wounds Canada – Diabetic Foot Journal and Advances Skin & Wound Care published from the USA. Laurie has been a co-author on numerous peer reviewed publications including Wound Bed Preparation 2012 and 2021 and has been on several RNAO Best Practice Guideline panels and consensus documents. Laurie has previously lectured both nationally and internationally.
Nursing ConsultantPatricia Coutts
Patricia Coutts is a registered nurse and a past president of Wounds Canada formally the Canadian Association of Wound Care. A leading wound expert who has lectured across the world, she has published in numerous journals and has been involved in wound research. She has been a preceptor for hundreds of health care professionals. She has experience in many areas of nursing, including medicine, surgery, family practice, psychiatry. Patricia is currently a consultant for Woundpedia and the ECHO project as well as Wounds Canada. Patricia is a member of the Faculty of the International Interprofessional Wound Care Course (IIWCC) at the University of Toronto.
She currently serves on the Board of Directors of DEBRA Canada (Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association Canada) and The Canadian Hidradenitis Suppurative Foundation.
ChiropodistLaura Lee Kozody
Registered NurseSunita Coelho
Wound Care Nurse, Toronto Regional Wound Healing Clinic
Administrative AssistantAndrew Mohan
Andrew Mohan is the administrative assistant for Project ECHO Skin and Wound Care. As a graduate of Ryerson University’s Journalism program, Andrew helps with video or document editing that Project ECHO requires, along with providing technical or operational support for site coordinators and/or instructors.
Administrative AssistantLinda Dorrington
Linda Dorrington is an administrative assistant who supports all the Woundpedia projects. Linda spent over 30 years working in the pharmaceutical industry, supporting clinical trials teams and medical science teams. Linda also worked the front desk at the Kensington Screening Clinic and for a short time was a COVID 19 Screener at a Long-Term Care Home. Linda has completed courses in Medical Administration, Medical Terminology and OHIP billing through Sheridan College.
Queen's UniversityKaren Smith
Dr Karen M. Smith, Professor at Queen’s University in the Faculty of Health Sciences from l994 to the present. She served as Department Head 1998-2008 and as Associate Dean of Continuing Professional and Faculty Development 2011-2018, Queen’s University. She is affiliated with Providence Care Hospital and Kingston Health Sciences Centre. She is attending physiatrist for the Acquired Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Services from 1994 to 2013 and now shares these responsibilities with other department members. She was Associate Professor at McMaster University until 1994.
Dr Smith completed her Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation residency training at McMaster University. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Diplomat of the American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine and the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with subspecialty certification in Spinal Cord Injury Medicine attained in 2003 and recertified in 2013. Her clinical interests and expertise are in ABI, SCI and pediatric rehabilitation. Her research interests are in the areas of primary care for persons with disabilities, quality of life, exercise, wound care and neurogenic bowel management. She is actively involved in knowledge translation to improve the primary care experience of individuals with SCI.
Developer and ResearcherEleftherios Soleas
Terry is an educational consultant, who functions as an educational developer and research methodologist for ECHO Skin and Wound. He is a former biology teacher and a current PhD Candidate in Education.
Director of Education ScholarshipNancy Dalgarno
Dr. Nancy Dalgarno is the Director of Education Scholarship with the Office of Professional Development and Educational Scholarship (OPDES), and an Assistant Professor (Adjunct) in Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences and Health Professions Education. She received her MEd from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)/University of Toronto and her PhD in Education from Queen’s University. She leads a team of Health Educational Research Consultants, Associates, and Assistants in conducting needs assessments, educational research, program evaluations, and systematic/scoping reviews in the areas of health sciences and global health. She collaborates closely with research teams through writing grants, data collection and analysis, and knowledge translation activities. As well, she develops and facilitates professional development activities that include workshops and webinars.
Advanced Practice NurseJolene Heil
Jolene Heil is part of the Queen’s University Hub of Project ECHO Ontario Skin and Wound Care. She currently works as a Clinical Nurse Specialist (Wound Care) at Providence Care Hospital in Kingston, Ontario. She leads an interprofessional wound care program for the nine inpatient units as well as provides wound care consultation for community members living with spinal cord injury and neurological conditions.
Chief Executive Officer, NSWOCCCathy Harley
Cathy has served as the Chief Executive officer of Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy & Continence Canada (NSWOCC) for the past 17 years and was also the first Executive Director for the Operating Room Nurses Association of Canada (ORNAC) for 5 years. She served on the Canadian Nurses Association’s (CNA) Advisory Committee to the Canadian Network of Nursing Specialities for two terms and is currently on the Advisory Committee for Nursing Specialties which reports to the CNA Board.
Past experience includes serving as the Director of Global Strategic Marketing, Wound Care Core Business for ConvaTec division of Bristol-Myers Squibb in Skillman, New Jersey and Business Unit Manager for Wound and Skin Care based in Montreal Quebec prior to that. As an International Healthcare Consultant, she facilitated strategic business planning for the Board of Directors of the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists (WCET) in Hong Kong, Ostomy Canada Society and the International Skin Tears Advisory Panel (ISTAP). She has published on topics relating to wound, ostomy and continence in peer reviewed journals.
A Registered Nurse with a neurosurgical ICU clinical background, she completed the International Interdisciplinary Wound Care Course (IIWCC) at the University of Toronto, studied post graduate business and completed a post graduate program in Not for Profit Board Governance at the Telfer School of Business University of Ottawa and Rotman School of Business, University of Toronto.
Academic Chair, Wound, Ostomy and Continence Institute Association of NSWOCKimberly LeBlanc
Kimberly LeBlanc is the current Academic Chair of the Association for Nurses Specialized in Wound Ostomy and Continence Care’s (NSWOCC) Wound Ostomy and Continence Institute (WOC Institute) and an Advanced Practice and Certified Wound Ostomy Continence nurse working with KDS Professional Consulting. She holds a Doctorate in Nursing from Queen’s University. Kimberly is an Adjunct Professor with the University of Western Ontario Masters in Wound Care Program, an Affiliate Lecturer at McGill University, and an Honorary Senior Lecturer with Cardiff University. Kimberly is a past president and founding member of the International Skin Tear Advisory Panel and the president elect of the Canadian Pressure Injury Advisory Panel.
Kimberly has lectured extensively on wound and ostomy care and has numerous publications and book chapters on wound and ostomy related topics. She sits on the editorial boards of Advances in Skin & Wound Care and Canadian Nurse.
In 2016, Kimberly was awarded the prestigious Canadian Nurses Association Order of Merit for Nursing Education and 2018 she was awarded the NSWOCC Presidents award for her contribution to WOC nursing in Canada. In 2020, she was inducted as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Nursing’s, (FCAN). In 2021and 2022 she was awarded World Union of Wound Healing Societies awards for outstanding contributions to innovation in skin integrity at the global level.
Infectious Disease Clinical ConsultantDale Kalina
Dr. Kalina is an Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine physician at Brant Community Healthcare System where he is also Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO). He was previously at Joseph Brant Hospital, where he held the positions of Deputy CMIO, Pandemic Lead, Medical Director of Antimicrobial Stewardship, Medical Director of Infection Prevention and Control, and most recently, Medical Director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic.
Dr Kalina’s professional interests include outpatient medicine, virtual care, wound care, and innovation in medicine. He is a faculty member at Project ECHO Skin and Wound Care Ontario, lectures at McMaster University in healthcare innovation and is a regular contributor to various national news programs.
Dr. Kalina holds an MBA specializing in Digital Transformation from the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University. He completed residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan, where he served as Chief Medical Resident, and fellowship in Infectious Diseases at McMaster University. He is an Associate Clinical Professor (Adjunct) of Infectious Diseases at McMaster University, and will also be joining the BCHS Infectious Diseases service for his clinical work.
Dr. Kalina currently lives in Oakville, ON, with his partner and their dog, Lloyd.
Nurse Advisor First Nation's and Inuit Home & Community Care Ontario Jeremy Caul
Jeremy is an Advanced Practice and NSWOC Nurse. He has a decade of experience in chronic disease and wound management, and has serviced a predominantly Indigenous population through his career. Jeremy now supports First Nations and Inuit Home and Community Care (Ontario Region) as a Nurse Advisor.
Jeremy lives and works in Sioux Lookout, and has dedicated himself to Limb Preservation efforts in his home region, provincially and nationally. While his professional interests revolve around under-resourced geography, his personal endeavors mirror the beauty and natural wonderment of rural Northwestern Ontario.
NSWOCC RepresentativeJosée Sénéchal
Josée Sénéchal is a registered nurse and Nurse Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence at Health Sciences North in Sudbury, Ontario. Currently, she is working on the Northeast Lower Limb Preservation Project as the Lead Project Coordinator for the Maamwesying Ontario Health Team. This aligns with her interest in wound care, complex ostomies, and chronic lower limb wounds and preservation.
Josée completed a Masters of Science in Community Health – Wound Prevention and Care in 2021 at the University of Toronto, which sparked her interest in academia and adult education. She is an external advisor for the International Interdisciplinary Wound Care Course (IIWCC) at the University of Toronto and an Academic Advisor for Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Canada in the ostomy tri-specialty and the Skin Wellness Associate Nurse Program. Josée is passionate about making a difference in wound and ostomy care in Northern Ontario; thus, she develops individualized education programs with hands-on practice based on wound and ostomy best practices for healthcare facilities to enhance their frontlines staff’s wound and ostomy care prevention and management skills.
To stay current, she participates in creating Canadian Best Practice Recommendations for feeding tubes, RNAO Best Practice Pressure Injury Prevention and Management and Current Consensus Statement on the Management of Venous Leg Ulcers. Josée is excited to join the Project Echo team and to learn more from fellow wound care leaders in Canada.